timeshiftnexthoverpause: "Click to pause the live update and move to the next two hours", Remember to use your special action key (Light of Deldrimor) to reveal the chest. var abbrIndex = currentPref.indexOf(eventAbbr); 3: { name: "Chak Gerent", link: "Against the Chak Gerent", chatlink: "[&BPUHAAA=]", bg: [190,215, 66] } var we = ws + 135; 1: { name: "Day", link: "Day and night", bg: [255,255,255] }, 'PM' : 'AM'); $.each(eventBars, function() {

hover: "If checked, the timer will appear more compact by removing category headers. No effect if headings are hidden. var partialDuration = 0; $.map(partial, function(v){ partialDuration += v.d; }); },
gw2 how to get to deldrimor front The downstair features open living space with a formal dining room. $.each(roughSchedule, function(i, v) { In the year 1320 AE, the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik awakened in the Blood Legion Homelands and flew towards the Crystal Desert, narrowly avoiding the Deldrimor Front along his flight path south. fullMetas[k].sequences.full = fullPatternGenerator(v.sequences.partial, v.sequences.pattern); background: red; partial: [], }); Defeat Sulypix before it drains your reclaimed oil, Repel invading Branded, and kill them near the charging crystals to fill the resonance crystal, Escort Pepperseed back to the Zephyrite Docks, Help Pepperseed deliver Zephyrite supplies to the Forge, Help Logan, Canach, and Rytlock train Corsairs, Help Tirabikkr look for the Light of Deldrimor, Defend the Deldrimor Ruins from the mist rift attack, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Thunderhead_Peaks&oldid=2675833. segments: { The Deldrimor Dwarves are in a civil war with the Stone Summit - a group of xenophobic dwarves with a hatred for all races, most notably man, as well as all who help these races (namely the Deldrimor dwarves). // Local copies that we can adjust var minute = now.getUTCMinutes(); Further occurrences have been ignored. // Allow closure of event bars $(input).blur(function () { }, 4: { name: "Icebrood Champions", link: "Storms of Winter", chatlink: "[&BCcMAAA=]", bg: [ 98,177,234] } // Collapse nested arrays and concatenate with the initial partial pattern var output = document.createElement('span'); .event-limit-text.prev { } else { break; e: e, if (useCompact === true) { In the process, the Pact set up a base in the Grotto adjacent to the forge, and were bolstered by The airships of the Elonian corsair Sayida the Sly, who arrived in the peaks with her crew and some allied Zephyrites. name: "", } name: "Dry Top", }, Hier befand sich eins das Herz des alten Zwergenknigreichs Deldrimor. eventAbbrs.push(this.getAttribute('data-abbr')); } createEventBars(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence, otherHourOffset); ds: { 3: { name: "The Battle for the Jade Sea", chatlink: "[&BKIMAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] } // Create a segment to represent that phase, and set the width based on the duration mainEventTimer(); createEventBars(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence); segments: { position: absolute; padding: 0.2em; var segmentTime = $(document.createElement("span")).attr("class", "event-time") #event-wrapper.toptimes .event-bar-container.t .event-time { display: inherit; } update: function() { sequences: { // Now reload otherwise people whine about category titles. pattern: [{r:1,d:70},{r:2,d:5},{r:3,d:40},{r:4,d:5}] name: "Hard world bosses", // Repeat pattern - can use this when we remove IE support later: background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(185, 177, 177, 0.5), transparent 40% ); function fullPatternGenerator(partial, pattern){ }, console.log('Error - No valid options provided within the zone parameter (' + zoneParameter + ')'); + metaKey + k + ' { background: rgb(' + v.bg.join(',') + ') }', $.each(uitext.checkboxes, function(k, v) {

name: "Bjora Marches", padding: 0.5em; ", }, margin-left: 20px; category: "Living World Season 1", #event-wrapper.compact.hideheadings.hidecategories { width: 100%; } .event-name, .event-chatlink { pattern: [{r:1,d:10},{r:0,d:110}] display: -webkit-box; /* OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6 */ 1: { name: "Awakened Invasion", link: "Defeat the invading Awakened", bg: [157,65,185] }, } else { return fullPattern;

name: "Domain of Vabbi", segment.append($(document.createElement("span")).attr("class", "event-name") 1: { name: "Effigy", link: "Ceremony of the Sacred Flame", chatlink: "[&BA4MAAA=]", bg: [ 98,177,234] }, + metaKey + k + ' { background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(' + v.bg[0].join(',') + '), rgb(' + v.bg[1].join(',') + ')) }'; // Update local time too ); // If there are more than 10 elements showing, it's probably a long way between the first times and the last, so add another to the end. sequences: { var ws = startHourUTC * 60; A group of friendly dredge established an oil drilling settlement and operations in the southern Ice Floe. e: wf, // End minutes, e.g. $('.event-limit-text.prev').css('display', 'none'); var date = new Date(); // Utility function #10: Draw meta event "phases" as segments within map "bars" for each meta. segments: { }

Aller : navigation, rechercher. } ); }, sequences: { console.log('Only one instance of [[Widget:Infobox map]] can be called per page. partial: [], category: "Special Events", 0: { name: "", bg: [187,119,207] }, eventTimerPreferences(); font-family: Tahoma; if ( sCumulative >= fillDuration ) { }, var hideHeadings = getEventTimerPreferences('hideheadings', uitext.checkboxes.hideheadings.defaultvalue); $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); pattern: [{r:1,d:75},{r:2,d:25},{r:3,d:20}] // Restrict it to +23 hours

0: { name: "", bg: [187,119,207] }, pattern: [{r:0,d:105},{r:1,d:15}] pattern: [{r:0,d:100},{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:100},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:100},{r:3,d:20}] WAIT 40MS BETWEEN ATTEMPTS. }); border: 1px solid black; sequences: { } $('.event-pointer-time').css('right', '0px'); }, startHourUTC = now.getUTCHours(); partial: [{r:1,d:25},{r:2,d:5},{r:3,d:20}], usedHeadings.push( metaSingular.category ); } name: "Dragon's End", .ui-sortable-handle { right: 0; $('#apply-button').click(function() { customEventData = filterEventData(customEventData); return refinedSchedule; usedHeadings = []; var span = document.createElement('span'); ", }, }, if (useTwelveHour == true) { segments: { return var hideChatLinks = getEventTimerPreferences('hidechatlinks', uitext.checkboxes.hidechatlinks.defaultvalue); // ** Living World Season 2 ** input.select(); }; #event-container > .ui-sortable-placeholder { // Use viewer preferences immediately where possible // Don't bother calculating if the meta hasn't been requested if (twelveHourTimes == false) { }, hoverdesc += ' >> ' + uitext.checkboxhover; return (s < 10 ? // Utility function #7: Create a one-click select element for a chatlink. st thomas academy football coach; dr dre hand tattoo removed; metal fabrication miami }, .event-limit-text { } name: "Crystal Oasis", }, segments: { }); .event-bar { } // Load the event timer after loading the jquery ui module // Collect preferences from localStorage link: "Defeat the invading minions of Scarlet Briar", timezoneOffset/60 : '+' + timezoneOffset/60); if (otherHourOffset == 0) { pattern: [{r:1,d:40},{r:2,d:20}] return ( (schedule.e > ws && schedule.s < we) ); 1: { name: "Defeat Scarlet's minions", link: "Defeat the invading minions of Scarlet Briar", chatlink: "[&BOQAAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] } return; 6: { name: "Megadestroyer", link: "Kill the megadestroyer before it blows everyone up", chatlink: "[&BM0CAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] }, }, } sequences: { 4: { name: "Automated Tournament: Lyssa's Legions", link: "Automated Tournaments#Daily_tournaments", bg: [234, 98,121] } // Respect preferences if given and the zone parameter is specified }, 2: { name: "Treasure Hunt", link: "Participate in the treasure hunt! } } In 1333 AE, Primordus's destroyers attacked the The Grotto and Forge but were stopped by the Pact Commander, stationed Pact forces, and other allies. if (hideChatLinks === true) { var hour = Math.floor( time/60 ); } else if ( wf < e ) { console.log('Invalid preference ignored:', value); var eventBar = this.closest('.event-bar-container'); }, #event-container { }, function unwrapUTC(time) { position: relative; legendname: "Event timer settings", msg = resp.msg; First, contact the manufacturer of your gun safe. cl: '' // Class placeholder only used for future last 15 minutes segments category: "Core Tyria", Also note that the Deldrimor Front was massively changed in the update to the world map last week, extending much farther south for exactly this reason. }, pattern: [{r:1,d:10},{r:0,d:20},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:15},{r:3,d:10},{r:0,d:5},{r:4,d:10},{r:0,d:5},{r:5,d:10},{r:0,d:5}] segments: { useCompact = false; #event-wrapper.toptimes .event-bar-container.t { display: inherit; }
x = '.event-bar-segment.' }, name: "Compact times. return output; name: "World bosses", } /* User preferences section */ }; // Paranoia - recalculate compact window width if its been reloaded } if (lastVersion != version) { r: v.r, padding-right: 5px; var fillDuration = 60*25 + 15; 0: { name: "", bg: [132,201,251] }, // Exclusions margin-bottom: 0em; var segment = $(document.createElement("div")).attr("class", "event-bar-segment " + metaKey + v.r + v.cl).css("width", (100*v["d"]/135) + "%").attr("title", (metaSingular.name ? partial: [], updated Oct 23, 2016.

clearTimeout(resizeTimer); As you do this, turn the knob on the front of the safe clockwise.

font-family: "EasonPro","Times New Roman",serif !important; 1: { name: "Day: Securing Verdant Brink", link: "Securing Verdant Brink", bg: [231,251,132] }, } widgetlinktext: "Feature documentation", $('.event-limit-text.next').prop('title', uitext.timeshiftnexthoverpause); // INITIALISATION #event-timer-legend input+input { applysettings: "Apply settings", cl: ' future' } display: -moz-box; /* OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works) */ sequences: { $('.event-pointer').css('left', '0%'); position: absolute; } } metaSequence = []; if (window.jQuery) { defer(function () { defaultvalue: false } name: "Grothmar Valley", } .event-bar-container h3 { if (hideCategories === true) { name: "Auric Basin", if (startHourUTC != hour ) { }, function setEventTimerPreferences(keyname, value, defaultvalue) { #event-wrapper.hideheadings h4 { display: none; }

category: "Path of Fire", x = ''; The Far Shiverpeaks isn't currently accessible as are some other map areas. dre: { defaultvalue: false var useTopTimes = getEventTimerPreferences('toptimes', uitext.checkboxes.toptimes.defaultvalue); compact: { } else { var bar = $(document.createElement("div")).attr("class", "event-bar"); }); tp: { mainEventTimer(true); margin-left: -2px; var refinedSchedule = []; Thunderhead Peaks is a zone in the Deldrimor Front region of the Shiverpeak Mountains . e: v.e #event-timer-legend label+input { setEventTimerPreferences('version', version); } name: "Eye of the North", even: { $('.event-pointer-time').text(uitext.timeshiftresume); console.log('Removed stored event timer preferences. segments: { 2: { name: "Death-Branded Shatterer", link: "Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer", chatlink: "[&BJMLAAA=]", bg: [157,65,185] }, $('.event-limit-text').click(function(e) { if (useEvenHourStart === true) { #event-container > .ui-sortable-helper { 0: { name: "", bg: [251,199,132] }, ", } sequences: { category: "Heart of Thorns", refinedSchedule.push({ category: "End of Dragons",

gw2 how to get to deldrimor front. } } partial: [{r:0,d:60}], if (percentOfTwoHours > 78) { }); } else if (zoneParameter == '') { }

} output.appendChild(span); The Steamspur Mountains mark a natural barrier between Ascalon (to the east) and Orr (to the south, across the sea).

link: "Eye of the North", } if (typeof response == 'undefined' || response == null ) { response = defaultvalue; } s: s, }, + metaKey + k + '.future { background: rgba(' + v.bg.join(',') + ',0.3) }']; di: { }, ", 2: { name: "Claw of Jormag", link: "Defeat the Claw of Jormag", chatlink: "[&BHoCAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] }, }); Every 2 hours, redraw the segmented bars .event-limit { } // If the timer was reloaded via apply, or scrolled, reset event content and timers, otherwise its the first run and we need to create the preferences user interface. } catch (e) { startHourUTC += otherHourOffset; // Filter the schedule for the current 135 minute window var now = new Date(); // MAIN FUNCTION name: "Labyrinthine Cliffs", sequences: { var w = $('#mw-content-text')[0].offsetWidth; } Blazeridge Steppes you can reach in game from SE Iron Marches or from the portal in Divinity's Reach in Ruriktonthat goes to Fields of Ruin and then exit to the North. } // Time

$('#event-wrapper').addClass('zone'); function writeTimerCSS() { function getEventTimerPreferences(keyname, defaultvalue) { segments: { #event-wrapper.toptimes .event-time { display: none; } pattern: [{r:1,d:55},{r:2,d:5},{r:3,d:55},{r:4,d:5}] return response; r: r, ) }, partial: [], 2: { name: "New Loamhurst", link: "White Mantle Control: New Loamhurst", chatlink: "[&BLQJAAA=]", bg: [ 94,159, 80] }, // Sequence in which the elements will render. // ** Living World Season 3 ** }); } segments: { input.focus(); d: e - s, resizeTimer = setTimeout(fitTimerToWindowWidth, 250); }, :&|#|$))/; #event-wrapper.compact { width: 80%; } border-color: #AAA; drawRow(metaKey, customEventData[metaKey] ); 1: { name: "Palawadan", link: "Palawadan, Jewel of Istan (meta event)", chatlink: "[&BAkLAAA=]", bg: [157,65,185] }, simon barnett grandson monty Facebook;

}, margin-top: 0.75em; background: #AAA; From my own personal experience, I am crafting dusk 2nd tier atm. #event-wrapper.compact.hideheadings { width: unset; } Si continas utilizando este sitio asumiremos que ests de acuerdo. #event-wrapper.compact.hideheadings h3 { margin-left: 0; } pattern: [{r:0,d:90},{r:1,d:15},{r:2,d:15}] deleterowhover: "Hide this row. if (twelveHourTimes == false) { function movePointer(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence) { // Filter the data down from 24 hours to roughly 2 hours. #event-timer-legend label { if ( typeof metaSingular.category != 'undefined' && usedHeadings.indexOf( metaSingular.category ) == -1 ) { // fixme - no idea why, but this line is required to make everything work. // Remove local storage and reset checkboxes hideChatLinks = false; }, // Add new ones based on the new time .append(time.string); var timeRaw, timeString; $('.event-limit-text.next').prop('title', uitext.timeshiftnexthover); ); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { De Guild Wars 2 Wiki.

}, // ** Living World Season 1 ** // All event bars and segments need to be created with the same start time // Update stored values name: "The Desolation", name: "Verdant Brink", }, // Use even hours if required, or any hour if not specified return { raw: timeRaw, string: timeString }; category: "Heart of Thorns",

bm: { } tew: { During the confrontation with Kralkatorrik inside a large spacious cavern known as The Auditorium, Aurene was pierced by crystals while defending the Pact Commander. addCheckbox(k, v.name, v.hover, v.defaultvalue); sequences: { This is an achievement for unlocking the hidden chest inside the final treasure room (Hammer's Hoard) which you can do once per day. partial: [{r:3,d:5},{r:4,d:15}], defaultvalue: true // GLOBAL VARIABLES } Some of the footage we have seen has been of a snowy area so it's likely we'll be getting a map directly north of this one that includes the bottom of the . output.className = 'event-chatlink';

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gw2 how to get to deldrimor front

gw2 how to get to deldrimor front

gw2 how to get to deldrimor front